about 4 pints of fresh blueberries - local if at all possible
4 tbsp lemon juice
2 pouches of liquid pectin (I use Bernardin)
7 cups granulated sugar
1 Tbsp butter
Sterilize about eight 250ml glass jars and lids in preparation for canning
Wash the blueberries and ensure all the stems have been removed, then pulse them quickly in a food processor. You don't want to over-process them - leave plenty of chunks. You need a total of 4 1/2 cups of chopped blueberries in total
In a large pot, mix together the blueberries, sugar, lemon juice, and butter
Bring the pot to a boil, hot enough that when you stir the mixture the boil does not die down
Add the two pouches of liquid pectin and stir well - allow to boil for 1 additional minute while stirring constantly, then remove from the heat
Allow jam to sit for a couple of minutes to bring the foam to the top, then skim it off with a sterilized spoon
Ladle jam into the sterilized jars leaving about 1/4" at the top of the jar
Wipe the jar's rim with a clean, damp cloth to remove any jam residue from the inner lip
If sealing using a canner, put the lids on the jars and boil in the canner and follow canning instructions to complete. If sealing with wax, apply wax to the top of the jam once it forms a slight skin from cooling, then put the lids on the jars
Enjoy the sweetness of fresh blueberries all year round!
about 2 quarts of fresh strawberries - local if at all possible
4 tbsp lemon juice
1 pouch liquid pectin (I use Bernardin)
7 cups granulated sugar
1 Tbsp butter
Sterilize about seven 250ml glass jars and lids in preparation for canning
Wash and hull the strawberries, then pulse them quickly in a food processor. You don't want to over-process them - leave plenty of chunks. You need a total of 3 3/4 cups of chopped berries in total
In a large pot, mix together the strawberries, sugar, lemon juice, and butter
Bring the pot to a boil, hot enough that when you stir the mixture the boil does not die down
Add the pouch of liquid pectin and stir well - allow to boil for 1 additional minute while stirring constantly, then remove from the heat
Allow jam to sit for a couple of minutes to bring the foam to the top, then skim it off with a sterilized spoon
Ladle jam into the sterilized jars leaving about 1/4" at the top of the jar
Wipe the jar's rim with a clean, damp cloth to remove any jam residue from the inner lip
If sealing using a canner, put the lids on the jars and boil in the canner and follow canning instructions to complete. If sealing with wax, apply wax to the top of the jam once it forms a slight skin from cooling, then put the lids on the jars
Enjoy the sweetness of fresh berries all year round!